Carpenter Harald Jørgensen was healed in Levanger!

For several years Harald Jørgensen had pain in the shoulders and elbows. Life did not look blissful, and work as a carpenter was very challenging. At a meeting in Levanger in 2014 he experienced a miracle. He also received a special greeting from Jesus.

Perched on a hillside lies Harald Jørgensen and Rigmor Erviks house. There they have a view over parts of Klæbu municipality and with the forest as the nearest neighbour. It is no obstacle for Harald who has always been an outdoors man with an interest in working out, cross country skiing, outdoor activities and last but not least hunting. This is very obvious when one enters the the home of his family. In the living room are in fact a number of taxidermied animals that are proof of his passion for hunting.

Harald grew up on Byåsen in Trondheim, but has in recent years lived in Klæbu, a municipality with around 6,000 inhabitants, 30 kilometers south of Trondheim city. For great parts of his life he has worked as a carpenter, but after many years with hammering and sawing, his health began to fail.

-It all started about 20 years ago when I got pain in the shoulders and elbows. Everydaylife consisted of visits to the doctor, treatments at physiotherapists and cortizone injections. I did not like taking painkillers, but sometimes I had no choice, he says.


Harald was on sick leave at certain times, which was not much fun, since he had always been an active person.

-At times it was so bad that I had trouble sleeping. I would wake up from the pain, causing me to have to change sleeping positions. It continued like this for weeks, months and years.

After having tried every possible treatment, he finally had surgery. The operation was successful and after 14 months of rehabilitation, he could start working again. Soon he was back to work at full capacity. For about 20 years things were okay, but around 2013 the pain started to return. Before long the shoulders and elbows were as bad as they were formerly.

-I was very upset because I was thinking about my future as a carpenter and of my family. Again I was constantly going to get treatments, but the help was only temporary. Life was so very frustrating.

The breakfast prayer

On Saturday, February 1, 2014 Svein Magne Pedersen was going to have a meeting at Nordic Prayer Center in Levanger. Rigmor wanted prayer for some ailments, and they therefore went to Levanger together.

-I was a little reserved, because I am a shy person and do not like to be with so many people. Still, it was fun to see all the healings that took place.

Over 400 people had showed up, and when Pedersen gave an invitation to salvation, nearly 30 people went forward. One of these was Harald. Later in the evening Pedersen began praying for the sick. It lasted a long time, and finally they decided to go back to the hotel, without having had the laying on of hands.

The following day they discovered that Pedersen was staying at the same hotel as them. After they had eaten breakfast they therefore boldly asked for prayer.

-Pedersen prayed for both of us. We then went home, and I did not think more of the situation. When 14 days had gone by, I noticed that the pain had disappeared. I figured that this was just a coincidence, but days passed and my elbows and shoulders were still fine. It was amazing! Today it is nearly three years ago, and I still have not felt any more pain. I am so happy and thankful for this.

Neck Cross

In connection with the healing Harald experienced something very special, and he has several witnesses to what happened.

-A few days after the meeting Rigmor was going to cut my hair using clippers. She then discovered that I had a black cross in the hair in the back of my head. I firstly thought that she was joking, but then I got to see it for myself. It could not have been hair colour or anything of that sort, because I had never used this.

A few days after Harald visited his sister and her daughter. They are both hairdressers.

-Look, Harald has a cross on the back of his head, the niece exclaimed when she saw the cross. Both hairdressers were absolutely speechless and investigated the cross closer, without finding a natural explanation. After a week the cross suddenly disappeared, but Harald is convinced what this was.

-I am fully convinced that this was a sign from God, he says firmly.

The magazine «Healing» has since been in contact with Harald’s sister. She can validate what they saw.

New future

In the time that followed Haralds elbows and shoulders have been fine. The Klæbu couple have been through difficult times but now they look positively at the future.

-I have always been a reserved person who has often retracted myself from people. As of today I have more peace and calmness in my body, and I am comfortable amongst people, Harald says and has no problem showing up for a TV-interview. His testimony will also be sent in the TV program «The Miracle is Yours.» This will enable millions of people worldwide to enjoy his miracle story.

-I would probably not have been sitting in the interviewing chair a few years ago. Normally, I’d have said no to such an interview, but there was something in me that said «yes», and I felt at peace about showing up. I think it’s good to talk about what has happened. I am convinced that it was God that gave me this sign and that it was Him that healed me.

CROSS: A few days after the meeting in Levanger, Rigmor was going to cut Haralds hair. Then she discovered a cross in the back of his head. The cross disappeared after a week. -I believe it was a sign from God, says Harald convinced. He was both saved and healed at the meeting in Levanger.

HUNTING: Harald has always been an active hiker and an avid hunter. Here he shows off a Cormorant and a Merganser that he shot on the outlying areas of Hitra few years ago.

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